Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nikon Coolpix 12.0MP Digital Camera - (S3000)

If you want a good, reliable, reasonably priced camera try a Nikon Coolpix – the price ranges from $120.00 – $150.00. This camera has gotten great reviews – people say that they love the camera, it takes great pictures, and is easy to use.
The cameras features are as follows:
·         12 megapixels
·         Self timer
·         Auto focus
·         Brightness adjustment
·         Best shot selectors
·         Anti-glare coating
·         Zoom that is 4.0 x optical and 4.0 x digital
·         Built in memory of 50mb
·         Video mode
·         Ion battery - rechargeable
·         Battery life is equal to 200 shots
·         Image resolution – 4000 x 3000
·         And more…

Monday, August 16, 2010

Digital Picture Overload?

If you are like me you have hundreds of photos, and unlike me they are probably all really good. But regardless of whether they are good or not organizing them can be a daunting task. I found these tips which may help you.
  1. Don't Save Everything...Resist the urge to hold onto bad pics or duplicates
  2. Name Wisely...Don’t rely on the gobbledygook that the computer automatically gives a photo
  3. Transfer to a disk...Save your digital pics onto a high-quality DVD or CD
  4. Utilize photo websites...But don’t trust just any old site
  5. Get yourself some hardware...An external hard drive is great for extra storage and will allow you to have those images for years to come
  6. Make hard copies ...Of course the beauty of digital cameras is that you don’t have to waste the time or money printing an entire roll of film. 
To read more detail on these tips, check it out here.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Camcorder vs. Camera

Most camcorders have photo abilities, and most digital cameras have camcorder abilities... so is there truly a difference between the two?